Dr. Valerie Alimi-Yaskin (DDM)

I've been interested in interspecies communication for the last 3 years since I saw Anna Breitenbach's video about the black panther, Spirit. Then I met my friend Paola from Italy, she said that she was about to go to an advanced workshop with Eleni who studied with Anna Breytenbach!!! I then called Eleni and heard an amazing woman, welcoming, loving and heart opened. As I wasn't trained and didn't meet the requirements of the workshop, she offered to give me private training over skype so I could come to the workshop in Greece ready for it.

The workshop was well organised, flowing, clear and definitely uplifting. We had a few amazing days of connection and when I came back, as a training, I connected to my friend's cats and things were accurate and helpful for the cat who changed her behaviour..

One of my friends in Germany fell off her horse and broke 3 vertebrae… Using a picture of the horse to understand what happened to her and Eleni found that the horse had a very bad pain in her back and couldn't stand these long trainings she was going through with my friend. My friend verified that her horse really had back problems but they were treated and she thought everything was fine with her, so her horse continued to get more treatments to address her back pain...

Thank you Eleni for being there! You are a great teacher! Can't wait to come to meet you again… Lots of love!

Dr. Valerie Alimi-Yaskin, DDM, holistic and biologic dentist

France and Israel

(Workshop Participant)