Shattered Peace - The Unseen Toll of a Senseless Tragedy πŸ’”

Dear friends, 

I hope you are all very well! 

Last week, we gathered to celebrate a milestone unlike any other - the 31st birthday of our wise elder horse, Lily. This occasion should have been marked solely with joy and gratitude for the years she has graced us with her presence. However, the quiet celebration was terribly small and overshadowed by a palpable sense of loss… a void left by the untimely deaths of our dogs Bella and Miqui, victims of a cruel and thoughtless act of poisoning.

Less than three weeks ago, the serenity of our existence was shattered when, driven by a fearsome disregard for the sanctity of life, an individual laid down a lethal trap of an extremely potent poison. Our beloved companions, curious and innocent, were drawn to this deadly substance, which claimed their lives in a matter of moments. This act of violence did not discriminate; a neighbor's dog, numerous foxes, birds, and countless unseen creatures of the wild, all fell victim to this senseless cruelty.

This loss has ushered in a grief that is profoundly different from any sorrow I've ever known. It lacks the bitter sweetness of witnessing the natural close of a cherished life, replaced instead by the sharp sting of a life stolen in its prime. The suddenness of this violence has left me grappling with a trauma that feels insurmountable, as if the poison that claimed my dogs' lives has seeped into my own heart, constricting it with a visceral fear and sorrow for the state of our world.

Where once my heart overflowed with love and respect for all beings, it now feels as though it has imploded, burdened by the toxic legacy of this act. The thought that our peaceful coexistence, our sacred activism aimed at nurturing interspecies harmony, could be so violently disrupted has filled me with despair. Yet, amidst this darkness, I cling to a sliver of hope, knowing that these overwhelming emotions will eventually pass, even if the scars they leave will forever mark our hearts.

In my search for solace, I have turned to my abilities as an intuitive interspecies communicator. This gift has allowed me to reach beyond the veil of death, to connect and converse with my animals in spirit. Their insights, though born from tragedy, have been a beacon of light in these dark times. They remind me that our connections are not severed by death, and that love, in its purest form, transcends the physical realm.

As I navigate through this labyrinth of grief, I am reminded of the impermanence of life and the indelible impact of our actions on the world around us. This tragedy has reinforced my resolve to advocate for a world where all beings can coexist in peace and respect, free from the shadows of fear and violence. It is a journey fraught with challenges, but one that I am committed to, fueled by the memories of those we have lost and the lessons they have taught us.

In the face of such unspeakable loss, it is tempting to succumb to despair, to allow the darkness to overshadow the light. Yet, I choose to believe in the possibility of healing, in the power of love to overcome the deepest of sorrows. This tragedy has not only been a testament to the fragility of life but also a call to action, a reminder that we must all strive to be guardians of the vulnerable, voices for the voiceless, and bearers of light in times of darkness.

As I pen these words, I do so not only as a tribute to the lives lost but also as a vow to continue the work of sacred activism, to honor their memory by fostering a world that celebrates life in all its forms.

May we all find the courage to heal, to love, and to dream of a brighter tomorrow, where hearts overflow with kindness, and peace reigns.

With immense love and gratitude,

Feb 27. 2024Eleni Gkikakis